Well-being & Mindfulness 2018-09-12T14:09:26+00:00
Well-being & Mindfulness

At trust. we are passionate in our belief that when individuals within an organisation flourish then the organisation will thrive.

Individuals flourish when they experience well-being. Recent research increasingly shows that employee well-being leads to benefits for an
organisation in increased discretionary effort; greater creativity; setting higher targets; more efficient decision making and importantly less withdrawal behaviour such as burnout, absenteeism and staff turnover

At trust. we provide fun enjoyable, practical and business focussed Well-Being Workshops based on the research and tools and interventions developed in the field of positive psychology. Within the workshops we consider the recent research as to the value and importance of mindfulness* and meditation techniques. Such techniques have been found to be valuable in reducing stress (the second highest cause of absenteeism in the UK) and in allowing individuals to take charge of the quality of their lives and increase performance and ability to focus.

We offer bespoke workshops which are designed following discussion with the client to ensure that they fit their specific needs.

*Mindfulness: …means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment and nonjudgmentally

John Kabat-Zinn

At trust. we are always here to help. If you would like to discuss how we can assist you or if you have any questions about what we offer then please do not hesitate to contact us.

We encourage our clients to understand where they are, where they want to be and how to get there. We do this through our bespoke group or individual coaching, leadership development, and well-being & mindfulness workshops.

© trust.